
then and now

Sunday, November 9, 2008

My Dearest Momma

I am so proud of you for the things you are doing in your life. I know you are at a crossroads where there are changes occurring and you've wondered what to do and when t do it and how it should be done. It's exciting to see the steps you are taking to become more intimate with the Father and I am so excited for what He will do this weekend and beyond.

I've always viewed you as a woman of strength, someone who had skin thicker than iron and without any weakness. You were a mother and father bundled up into one magnificent creation and placed upon a pedestal of greatness that could withstand any storm that sought t knock you down.

Now I see you as my mother, my friend, a sister, a daughter, a child of God, a woman - still strong and magnificent, but vulnerable to life and it's trials. I prefer you in the latter form, I guess because it's your genuine state of being. I see you in all the splendor that God designed you with - from your weakness for luxurious spa treatments to your analytical mind to the beautiful melodies you would sing as you made breakfast in the mornings. Everything that makes you the person you are was designed by our heavenly Father.

You are an inspiration to me. You have taught me so many valuable lessons throughout my life. I know that I don't have to try everything just because it's there; I know how to weed-eat the yard and how to cook some fabulous meals. I know that when you would come home late from work because you were giving pedicures to precious old ladies, they were receiving the best medicine available - love; I know that your mother and your grandparents were among the best people you knew; I can recognize a good nurse right off the bat because they will have what you have and I can tell when melons are ripe for eating - these are lessons I will never forget.

It's been neat to see the transformation you've taken from being just my mother to becoming my mother and my friend and seeing you and knowing you as a woman of god. You'll always be my momma, don't get me wrong. But now when I get on my knees I don't just pray for my momma, but I pray for Sherry - a woman who is running the same race in life as me, a woman passionately pursuing and being pursued by her God. You are an incredible part of my life and distance nor time cannot change the impact you have.

I love you bigger than the sky!
love cassiebaby

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